Tuesday 24 September 2013

Upside down Cat

I did this drawing when I was 13. This was an assignment in class time. My AEP teacher flashed a cat head on the visualiser (or maybe its called a projector) upside down, and we were supposed to draw it with chalk in half an hour. It was quite hard to look at the cat as a whole, since it was upside down and gave me a headache. Thus, I focused on the part which I was drawing at one time, and the cat became much easier to draw.

Upside down cat. Supposed to be looked at this way.

Right way up. I'm relieved it looks like a cat both upside down and the right way up.

Close up of upside down cat's face

From this upside-down drawing experience, I learnt that instead of looking a art as a whole, I can also break up the work into a few pieces and look at each in detail. This was a very important lesson to me, and it was one of my firsts in AEP. This skill has helped me to analyse paintings in block tests.

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