Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Artist Inspiration - Mary O'Malley

Mary O'Malley has been a great help to my coursework. Miss Xie, one of my AEP teachers, helped me to discover the works of Mary O'Malley in the midst of my coursework. I have a deep respect of Mary O'Malley, as she is so patient and dedicated to her ceramic works. Whenever I look at her works, I instantly feel energy sweeping through me that makes me want to create better works. I feel inspired by her.

Examples of her work

Link to more of Mary O'Malley's works:

Why she inspires me

1. She is so patient and dedicated
The texture of her works are extremely challenging. Such as the holes in the tentacles, and the bumps surrounding the holes. The barnacles with the small pipes sticking out also look very difficult, as the pipes looks so delicate, as if they may break if too much pressure is applied. To achieve such beautiful yet realistic work is so tough, and yet she has done it. The process of making the clay and combing it with the ceramics must require a lot of patience, and I needed a lot of patience in my works and coursework, so I am inspired.

2. She has coolest and most interesting ideas ever
Who thinks of combining clay and ceramics in such a way? As if the sea creatures are creeping across the cups, saucers and teapots. And who thinks of such a combination of sea creatures? Mixing starfish with barnacles and tentacles is very unique and may be seen as weird by those who have not seen her works. But after looking at Mary O'Malley's works, I have been transfixed by the way the sea creatures come alive together, silently creeping across the ceramics and waving their tentacles.

3. She is very skilled in her work
Her works are of such high quality, and are so realistic. Her high level of skills make me feel like working harder to improve my own skills in clay making. If she can do it, I can do it too. Of course not as good as her, since I lack training and am not especially talented in this area. But at least I feel the energy to put in my best effort by looking at her works.

How she has inspired me

In my coursework, I am working with clay, and my theme is also sea creatures, just like her. However, my target audience is for children, unlike hers, which is most probably adults. While I transform animals into containers, Mary O'Malley has combined animals and containers. I worked with other animals though. We have a lot of similarities in the above, and I feel this is how she has inspired me.

All in all, I really like Mary O'Malley's clay and ceramics works, as I feel that she has put in her own unique touch to the clay, which has made them 'come alive' on the ceramics. I feel inspired and empowered by her to put in the best effort I can.

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